Latest News
Symposium on Regional Floods:
Regional effects of changes in the river system
13-14 October 2015 Vienna, Austria
The purpose of this symposium is to bring together experts from hydrology, fluvial geomorphology, hydraulic engineering and environmental history to discuss the effects of changes in the river system on the regional flood regime, both in historical and modern times. River morphology changes due to sediment deposition and erosion, river straightening and hydraulic structures have traditionally been investigated and modelled locally but, depending on the spatial structure of the system, they may have a larger scale impact. The symposium will focus on detecting, quantifying and upscaling the effects of such changes in the river system on the flood regime at a regional scale. The symposium is organised in the frame of the ERC Advanced Grant on Flood Change ( and will consist of invited talks, oral lectures, poster sessions and discussion sessions.
Flyer and Call for papers:
download Flyer
Train-the-Trainer Course – Blended Learning in Hydrology
The UNESCO Chair in Hydrological Change and Water Resources Management and the International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change offer a 4 day training course in Aachen, Germany, from August 31st to September 3rd 2015.
General Information
The course aims to improve theoretical knowledge of blended learning systems, their advantages and limitations and to deliver practical capacities for designing and managing blended learning courses.
The course is designed for specialists and experts working in technical and scientific training in the field of water resources management. Up to 12 experts will be able to participate. The course is free of charge. Course language is English. In cases of hardship, travel expenses might be reimbursed upon request.
Interested experts are asked to send a CV and a short description of their duties and responsibilities in their current work environment or the education or training center they work at to:
Deadline for expressions of interest is June 30th 2015. Participants will receive invitation letters by the end of June.
The course will be held by Prof. Nacken (Rectorat´s Delegate for Blended Learning and Exploratory Teaching Space at RWTH Aachen).
Dr. Cullmann (Director of the International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change) will give an additional perspective to specifics in water resources management.
During the course a MOODLE system will be used as the learning management system, a special course room will be setup in advance and all material will be uploaded to the MOODLE system. All material will be supplied in English and labeled as CC (creative commons) for further use.
Further Information:
Hydrologisch-Wasserwirtschaftliche Tagung (HyWaTa)
Vom 26.-29.11.2015 richtet der Fachschaftsrat Hydrowissenschaften die HyWaTa (Hydrologisch-Wasserwirtschaftliche Tagung) für Studierende aus wasserbezogenen Studiengängen aus. Die Veranstaltung wird auf dem Gelände der TU Dresden stattfinden und unter dem Motto „Klärung der Zukunft“ Berufsperspektiven und mögliche Tätigkeitsfelder für Absolventen im Wassersektor behandeln. Neben Exkursionen, Vorträgen und Diskussionen mit Berufstätigen aus verschiedenen Bereichen des Wassersektors werden Workshops zu den Themen Akkreditierung, Hochschulpolitik und Vernetzung veranstaltet.
Nähere Informationen und Anmeldung unter:
Network of Young Hydrologists
The German Hydrological Society (DHG) has founded a new task force to support cooperation of junior scientists in hydrology. The task force aims at establishing a network uniting young hydrologists from all fields and subdisciplines of hydrology.
This network is to create a central platform for all types of information that are of interest to young hydrologists. Another objective is maintaining contact with groups of junior hydrologists, e.g. the Young Hydrologic Society, at the international level. Moreover, the network plans to organise own events such as periodical workshops providing a platform for discussions, e.g. on research findings and new ideas, in an informal atmosphere and apart from the big conferences.
Environmental Earth Sciences Thematic Issue
Water Resources and Research in Germany
Call for Abstracts ▪ Deadline: 28 February 2015
Call for Papers ▪ Deadline: 31 December 2015
This special issue aims at providing a comprehensive picture of current scientific activities and the state of knowledge related to the water resources of Germany and options for their sustainable management. It is co-edited by representatives of major water-related organizations and networks that are active at the national level, including the working group of hydrology in the German Geographical Society, the expert group on hydrological sciences within the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste; the German Association for Hydrology and the German Limnological Society.
Further information: EES Special Issue WRR in Germany_final.pdf